AZ Parents Connect Blog

Workshop Wednesday - 5 "To-Do's" for this Holiday Season!

It's That time of the year again!  We are right in the middle of the Holiday Season! We hope you are enjoying time with your loved ones and are staying SAFE this season. 

It’s easy to get distracted and a bit overwhelmed with all of the extra activities, parties, shopping, traveling, and visiting with friends and family. Here are a few reminders to help keep you and your kids safe through the holidays:  Read more about Workshop Wednesday - 5 "To-Do's" for this Holiday Season!

Workshop Wednesday - Skittles and Spice and things not so nice ...

Think you are tuned-in to your child’s world? Take our little quiz and see! 

  1. OC, Ice, Fire, Rush, Robo, Skittles and Spice – What do these names all have in common? They are all street names for drugs.

  2. If you overhead a conversation between two kids, or saw a text message about “scoring some skittles” would you think they were talking about candy? Or would you know they were talking about a popular drug?


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