Nice Way to Start a Monday

Monday mornings are usually pretty routine. You have the regular staff meetings, catch up on e-mails and begin to plan out the week. To my surprise, there was a very thoughtful comment sent to me by one of our 3moms volunteers. Our volunteers regularly speak at schools and to parents in the hopes of preventing drug and alcohol use. The comment was from a young lady who had recently heard one of our volunteer moms talk about the death of her 17 year old from a prescription drug overdose. The young girl said, "I was deeply touched by the sadness of the story you told about your daughter. By the time it was over, I felt like crying. I give my word, I will never take, try or give in to prescription drug use. You have now accomplished your goal or at least part of it. You have prevented/saved at least 1 life." Thank you Kaylee for sharing that. Oftentimes in prevention, we don't get to see or hear the outcome of the work that we do. It was a great way to start a Monday.