Instilling Responsibility

Every day we have to make decisions. No matter how old we are, we face the demand of daily decision-making and the responsibility it brings. It is a parent’s responsibility to build a foundation in their child’s life so that the child will be more likely to make healthy decisions and grow to become a confident, independent adult.  How do we accomplish this? One thing we can do is instill a strong sense of responsibility from an early age.

Allowing our kids to earn increasing freedom, within appropriate limits that we as parents set, will teach them the relationship between responsibility and freedom. In our Active Parenting workshops, we talk about the formula “R = C + C,” which stands for Responsibility = Choice + Consequence. When we accept the consequences for our choices, we show responsibility.

Kids as young as preschoolers aren’t too young to take on responsibilities. By allowing them to do things for themselves and others, we demonstrate that we respect and believe in their abilities. This results in higher self-esteem as their belief in themselves grows.  That self-esteem will increase the likelihood that they will withstand peer pressure as they approach adolescence.

Check out our YouTube video, Prevention Talk, for more ways to teach your children responsibility.