kimobert's blog

Workshop Wednesday - Skittles and Spice and things not so nice ...

Think you are tuned-in to your child’s world? Take our little quiz and see! 

  1. OC, Ice, Fire, Rush, Robo, Skittles and Spice – What do these names all have in common? They are all street names for drugs.

  2. If you overhead a conversation between two kids, or saw a text message about “scoring some skittles” would you think they were talking about candy? Or would you know they were talking about a popular drug?

Workshop Wednesdays - "It's just a little pot, right?"

This is a question we hear all too often.  Some parents like to believe that marijuana is harmless.

Unfortunately research and scientific studies indicate that marijuana has many negative side effect – including being a “gateway” for other drugs and alcohol abuse.


What do other parents think about this controversial substance?  What do the experts say? From learning issues to loss of motivation and interest, join other parents at the Parent Workshop for a discussion on how “a little pot” can affect your child.

  Read more about Workshop Wednesdays - "It's just a little pot, right?"

Workshop Wednesday - Relapse

"Oh no! Not again!"

This Saturday’s session will mark the end of our first series of 12 workshops. This week, the group will discuss Relapse, how to spot it and what to do about it.

According to Merriam -Webster, Relapse is the act or an instance of backsliding, worsening, or subsiding; a recurrence of symptoms of a disease after a period of improvement. Read more about Workshop Wednesday - Relapse


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