Thalia Williams's blog

Preparing for a Safe and Fun Spring Break!

For most teens, spring break is simply a time to relax, have fun, and be adventurous. Whether on vacation, just hanging out in the neighborhood, or having fun with friends, it’s important teens remain safe during spring break.

While this time will be incident free for most, for some youth time off from school poses a risk of temptation by alcohol and drugs. It is up to parents and other caring adults to discuss and guide their teens in how to stay safe when faced with hard choices about risky situations and behaviors. Read more about Preparing for a Safe and Fun Spring Break!

Busting the Myths!

Everyone knows the truth about drugs and alcohol, right? Even as adults, we often believe what we hear or read about drugs and alcohol without question, especially when it pertains to our youth. However, it’s important we form opinions based on facts and not myths. By being correctly informed, we can assist our youth in living safer and happier lives. 

Here is a list of some common misconceptions about substance abuse and the truths that shatter those myths:

Myth: Prescription medications are safer to abuse than other drugs. Read more about Busting the Myths!

American Academy of Pediatrics Speaks Out on Teen E-Cigarette Use

A new report finds that early nicotine exposure leads to an increased chance of addiction and disease and more difficulty in quitting.  The report by the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) concludes the earlier youth start using any product with nicotine, including e-cigarettes, the stronger their addiction will be and the harder it will be for them to quit. Read more about American Academy of Pediatrics Speaks Out on Teen E-Cigarette Use


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